What to Expect After Automating Prior Authorizations

What to Expect After Automating Prior Authorizations

What to Expect After Automating Prior Authorizations

It’s no secret that the current landscape of prior authorizations in healthcare is characterized by provider frustration. This stems primarily from administrative inefficiencies and patient treatment delays. In response, the industry has launched efforts at the state and federal levels to alleviate prior authorization burdens. While this is great for the healthcare industry, changing your in-house procedures for prior auths can feel overwhelming.

At Valer, our goal is twofold: to provide a tailored solution that speeds and simplifies the prior authorization process for your staff and to make the technology adoption as seamless as possible. In this blog, we highlight some of the changes you can expect across your organization by adopting prior authorization automation. By demystifying what to expect after automating prior authorizations for your organization, we hope you feel empowered to explore the technology.

  1. Real-Time Decision Making

The first thing you can expect after adopting prior authorization automation is the ability to receive more authorization decisions much faster. Less manual work and a lower error rate will provide quick approvals more often. Traditional manual prior auth processes often lead to delays in obtaining approval, impacting patient care and causing frustration among healthcare providers. Automated systems can provide instant decisions, allowing healthcare professionals to proceed with necessary treatments promptly.

  1. Increased Staff Productivity

The next benefit you can expect after implementing automated prior authorization processes is increased staff productivity. Automating the prior auth workflow saves your staff time, simplifies training, and creates a baseline to measure ongoing progress. In fact, one of our current customers has seen an 11% increase in staff productivity since partnering with us.

  1. Better Workflow Visibility

Automated platforms like Valer provide greater visibility over your entire workflow continuum. You can see each step of the prior authorization process within one dashboard. This level of visibility helps reduce errors, duplicative work, and unnecessary denials associated with manual authorization workflows. Greater visibility into the prior auth process also means your staff – and patients – won’t be left in the dark wondering where things stand in the approvals process.

  1. Seamless Integration with Electronic Health Records (EHRs)

Efficient communication between different healthcare system components is critical for seamless operations. Automated prior authorization processes can integrate with Electronic Health Records (EHRs), creating a unified system that minimizes manual data entry and enhances data accuracy. For Valer specifically, our single portal compiles each payer’s web and fax forms pre-populated with patient and insurance information automatically uploaded from the EHR, saving significant staff resources. This integration ensures that relevant patient information is readily available, further expediting the authorization process.

  1. Enhanced Cost Savings

While there’s an initial investment required in adopting automated prior auth systems, it’s crucial to consider the long-term cost savings. Compare the cost to your current prior authorization burden. The reduction in administrative overhead, faster processing times, and minimized chances of errors contribute to substantial financial benefits for healthcare organizations. Moreover, the improved efficiency allows healthcare professionals to focus more on patient care, ultimately leading to better outcomes.

  1. Ongoing Support

The last benefit you can expect after adopting an automated prior authorization solution is ongoing training and expertise from your partner. If you partner with Valer, you gain access to our continuous support resources. Starting with onboarding, the Valer team takes the time to understand your organization and its goals. After a smooth prior auth transition, our team remains accessible for ongoing support and assistance.

Embracing the Future of Prior Authorization Automation with Valer

To summarize what to expect after automating prior authorizations, it comes down to enhanced staff efficiency and patient care. Automated prior authorization represents a long-anticipated shift in the healthcare landscape, offering a solution to the challenges posed by traditional manual processes. Healthcare organizations must recognize the evolving nature of the industry and be proactive in embracing technologies like these that dramatically boost operations. If you’re ready to explore the benefits of automated prior authorization for your healthcare setting, contact us today.

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