High Stakes Prior Authorizations

With the high cost of infusion and specialty medications, can you afford not to be reimbursed or paid? We don’t think so, either.

Are you submitting more than 2,000 prior auth requests a month? If so, let Valer help you today.

You can trust Valer with your infusion and specialty medication prior authorizations because prior authorization and referral management is all we do. Our team helps each of our clients to work from a single portal using pre-populated web and fax forms for all their payers, regardless of changing payer forms and rules.

We track and apply near-time payer changes, so you don’t have to.

Beyond Financial Implications

Patients who receive infusion or specialty medications often experience extra uncertainty and anxiety when waiting for prior approvals for their prescribed treatments. Delays in obtaining prior authorizations can mean a disruption in a treatment plan and possibly even concerns the long-term effectiveness of these medicines. Prior authorization hurdles can also impact a provider’s clinical decision-making, potentially influencing a doctor’s first-choice treatment.

Patient care should never be an afterthought.

Let Valer help your staff manage the workflow needed to move vital prior approvals without diverting resources from patient care.

Speeding and Simplifying Your Workflow

Just as reimbursement is essential for revenue, staff productivity is essential for cost control. You can optimize workflow only so much without automation. Valer speeds and simplifies your staff’s workflow by automating the repetitive, time-consuming, error-prone tasks of submitting, checking and verifying statuses, reporting and analytics, and bi-directional synchronization with your EHR.

Prior authorization workflow can be as fast and simple for infusion centers as any other service line with the right technology. Automating submission, verification, and EHR synchronization shouldn’t be as complex as the medications you administer. It should be expected. The best-run infusion centers are now automating prior auth management with Valer.