Valer® tames today’s fragmented prior authorization workflows

Do You Have An Unmanageable Manual Prior Authorization Problem?

Voluware is pleased to announce that Allscripts has certified Valer to support today’s manual prior authorization workflows. Allscripts clients will now be able to bi-directionally integrate with Valer in order to further streamline today’s fax and web portal-based prior authorization submission workflows. “As an Allscripts Developer Program Certified Application, Valer utilizes Allscripts Unity APIs to provide a tightly integrated workflow to transform today’s fragmented, manual prior authorization workflows,” said Marty Staszak, CEO of Voluware and visionary architect behind Valer.

Valer provides one place to comprehensively manage, streamline, and automate today’s manual fax and web portal-based prior authorization workflows. Valer offers clients a customized, integrated enterprise approach to taking back control of otherwise manual workflows to reduce cost, denials, and avoidable write-offs.

Do You Have Cost Concerns And Insufficient Throughput?

Are you facing constant pressure to reduce costs in the face of ever-increasing payer authorization requirements?

Are you desperately searching for solutions to improve staff productivity around authorization to increase patient access and reduce errors that lead to claim denials, write-offs, and patients abandoning treatment?

Do You Have 360º Visibility and Real-Time Reporting on Authorizations?

Does your prior authorization process allow your staff to quickly identify bottlenecks and work together to address and optimize areas for improvement?

Do you have access to real-time data on staff productivity, payer behaviors, and payer turnaround times with your current workflow?

Ready to learn how Valer® is the one solution that tames today’s fragmented prior authorization, and referral workflows that are chained to fax machines, phone calls, and manual data entry?

Click here: Valer®.

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